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Historical facts in the last 5 years

Law No. 21.151/2019, granted recognition to the Chilean Afro-descendant Tribal People, making the Afro-descendant community to be considered as cultural heritage of the country. Also, the right to consultation and free, prior and informed consent was granted in the terms of ILO Convention 169; and they were recognized to be included in national censuses.

Creation of the Commission for the Historical Recognition of the Afro-Argentine Community, by the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI). 2020

Reform to the Political Constitution of Mexico (2019), it included Afro-Mexican peoples and communities, as part of the multicultural composition of the Nation, in order to guarantee their self-determination, autonomy, development and social inclusion.

Paraguay enacted Law No. 6940/2022 to prevent and punish acts of racism and discrimination against persons of African descent.

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